To pay your bill by mail simply mail your check or money order along with the paper bill stub to the address on your envelope. Either by calling National Grids automated service number at 1-888-932-0301 to pay through your checkingsavings account.
Understanding Our Bills Charges National Grid
Enter the first four letters of your last name or business name excluding punctuation into the second field.

National grid ny bill pay. Example of a 2014 National Grid bill -. You can pay your bill online through your National Grid account or you can pay your bill over the phone by calling National Grids automated service number at 1-888-932-0301. 1 MetroTech Center North Suite 1003 Brooklyn NY 11201 718 403-1600 2021 Downtown Brooklyn Partnership.
Enroll online or by calling customer service. Register here to get started. Enroll in paperless billing to have your bill delivered in a secure monthly email.
National Grid accepts all major credit card and debit card payments through Speedpay. The Budget Plan takes the amount you usually pay on your National Grid bills in a year and breaks that amount into twelve balanced monthly payments to help offset the traditionally high winter heating and summer air conditioning peak bills. National Grid Corporation doing business as National Grid provides a full range of energy-related services through operations and investments in selected areas of the energy industry.
Enter your account number without dashes or spaces into the first field. You may contact Speedpay directly by dialing 1-888-849-4310. Make checks payable to National Grid and use the envelope provided with your bill or mail to.
Determining client scripting support. You have a few options for paying your National Grid natural gas bill. National Grid recommends that you pay online for the quickest service.
You can also use the payment stub when paying your bill in person. Pay Your Bill Online Its easy as 1-2-3 to pay with a savings or checking account credit card or set up automatic payments. NYC Gas and MA Gas Sign in.
At the bottom of your bill you will find the payment stub. All other customers please sign in on the National Grid homepage. Our vision is to become the premier energy and services company in the Northeastern United States.
About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. The Public Service Commission of New York State has agreed to allow National Grid to spread out this bill increase. Step right up to the window and pay your National Grid bill at this convenient location at MetroTech Center.
Other Ways to Pay Pay by mail over the phone or receive and pay your bill online through paperless billing and automatic payments. It is located at 300 Erie Boulevard West Syracuse NY 13202-4250. Box 11742 Newark NJ 07101-4742.
National Grid provides a self-addressed envelope with each months bill. National Grid receives no compensation for this payment service. 225 for residential customers 600 limit per.
As mentioned previously National Grid doesnt have any physical customer service locations that you can use to pay your bill in person. ESCOs in New York offer a wide variety of price options and many can offer great deals compared to what you currently pay with National Grid. Its easy to manage your National Grid accounts view bills and make payments online.
Therefore during a very cold month you will see this ESRM charge as a negative charge in reality lending you money to avoid paying a high bill during an unusually cold month and will reimburse this loan by surcharging you during the following months. Through your National Grid online account. Please note that you will be charged convenience fees by Speedpay.
The latest versions of Microsoft Edge 140 and above do not work correctly with our current website more. Make sure to mail the payment stub with your check if mailing in a payment. You will still pay only for the total amount of energy you use in a year but the Budget Plan makes it easier.
National Grid offers many easy ways to pay your energy bills including at no-fee cash locations near your home. Find an explanation of your bills most important components.